目前, there are around 340 domestic 台湾ese companies operating in the cybersecurity market and the sector directly employs around 9,000人. 随着全球和地方经济从COVID-19大流行中复苏, 台湾网络安全日博备用网站规模有望达到2亿美元.32在2,张贴9.2016-2022年复合年增长率为1%. 这一数字略高于全球平均水平8.同期复合年增长率为1%. IoT(物联网)相关网络安全的持续增长, 从硬件和软件的角度来看, coupled with a rising demand and an increased awareness of cybersecurity issues will be the main drivers of the sector moving forward. The IoT market in 台湾 is expected to grow by 30 per cent by 2025 compared to today’s levels.


因为来自国外的威胁, 私人和国家认可的玩家, 台湾日博备用网站需要升级和先进的网络安全基础设施. As cybersecurity infrastructure in 台湾 historically has not been prioritised due to small domestic capabilities, the 台湾ese market is looking for solutions and collaborations with trusted foreign partners.

根据IT之家的2021年网络安全投资调查, 近60%的台湾企业投资于互联网安全. The second and third most common investment were IT infrastructure and protection followed by remote back-up solutions.

Considering the successful Swedish involvement in the buildup and maintenance of 5G infrastructure in 台湾, 日博备用网站网络安全公司在日博备用网站上有几个自然的协同效应. 台湾传统基础设施资源如天然气, water and electricity are already highly digitalised but prone to cyberattacks with potentially devastating effects on a national level.

根据台湾工业技术研究院的一项调查, 云服务安全, compliance with domestic regulation and IoT security applications are the three  major challengesthat 台湾ese companies face today – creating a niche opportunity for Swedish companies exploring the option of entering the market. Amid the increased remote work in almost all sectors these opportunities are linked to solutions that protect cloud based corporate information. 超过40%的受访公司还提到了电子邮件安全, 灾难恢复演习和端到端安全是2021年的优先投资.

Cybersecurity issues are also increasingly a concern for local authorities and they  have been taking legislative action to protect and defend their intellectual properties and physical infrastructure. 例如, in December 2018 the Legislative Yuan passed the Information and Communication Security 管理 Act (ICSMA) which provides cybersecurity management obligations for government agencies and certain nongovernmental entities. ICSMA特别涵盖了关键基础设施的提供商. 这可能与有形或无形资产有关, 系统, and networks whose drop in efficiency will have a substantial impact on national security and citizens’ lives or economic activities. 除了新规定, public spending on cybersecurity solutions has risen significantly over the past few years – from MUSD 50 in 2017 to MUSD 128 in 2020. These developments will create concrete business opportunities in all essential sectors of the market.

It is also worth pointing out that there is a great interest in the development of the domestic cybersecurity market in 台湾, with the topic being featured frequently in local newspapers and gaining much attention from both the private and public sector.


进入台湾日博备用网站时, 日博备用网站商业部强烈建议在当地建立日博备用网站, 使用几种进入日博备用网站的推荐方法之一, 或者使用当地的合作伙伴, 设立子公司, 或者直接去找客户.

考虑到目前的入境限制, we also like to prepare Swedish companies for handling initial business dialogues and company introductions online or through a local partner.

Business 日博备用网站 is constantly monitoring the global cybersecurity landscape as well as specific opportunities in the 台湾ese market. We are more than happy to have an initial discussion with you regarding your market entry plans as well as support you with complex market entry analyses, 制定日博备用网站进入策略, 处理政府事务或帮助您建立日博备用网站.

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